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Kenneth K. Wu

Kenneth K. Wu

Chair Professor
National Taiwan University College of Medicine


Kenneth K. Wu, M.D., Ph.D... Currently was working as the Distinguished Chair Professor, National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taiwan. And also he was President, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan Distinguished Investigator and Acting Director, Cardiovascular and blood Research Center, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan.

Research Interest

Dr. Wu has a long term interests in two areas of research: (1) Prostaglandin and nitric oxide synthesis and biological activities and (2) Haemostatic and genetic risk of arterial thrombosis. Ongoing research work includes identification and purification of endogenesis factors that central cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in proliferating cells, elucidation of mechanisms by which salicylate inhibits transcriptional activation, and the novel actions of prostaglandins on adult cell and embryonic stem cell survival, differentiation and proliferation.